Mission Sitrep No. FBGS-1915
Date of Mission: Saturday 19 October 2019
Location of Mission: Menangle Park, Menangle
A nice sunny morning about 16 degrees, a slight breeze until mid-morning with winds picking up to 20 kph by noon.
Ships in Attendance:
HMAS Macquarie – River Class Frigate, Carol Moran – NYC Harbour Tug Carol, IJN Submarine I53, Fairmile D 658, Fairmile HLCS (L) (2) 258, RMAS Lamlash, RMAS Collie, Denny Steam Gunboats HMS Grey Goose (1943 and 1950’s versions), HMS Greatford, Victory Toys Vosper Yacht Mercury, Aziz OSV, HMAS Toowoomba, Helen – fishing trawler, S T Enforcer – Salvage Rescue Tug, M V Celeste R – British Coastal Tanker, HMS Beagle – Ocean Survey Vessel, HMT Respond – Salvage & Rescue Tug, SS John Oxley – Ex Pilot Vessel, LCT Mark 6 Landing Craft, HMS Karlstad – Visby Class Corvette, Vorovsky – Soviet KGB Kiivak III, FNS – Tornio Missile FAC.
Members in Attendance:
Michael & Robyn Brown, Craig Taylor, Brian McKellar, Tony Page and Rob Lees (FBHC)
Mission Actions:
The event was held at the Campbelltown Steam and Machinery Museum – Oil, Steam and Kerosene Family Fun Day, was a combination display and run for us. The pond had been cleared of weeds and the water level was substantially higher than on our last visit. We were able to run a few of the models we were displaying and Michael completed a number of successful runs following the modifications to his Thorneycroft RAF Launch as well as the first trials of his Ford Class Seaward Defence Boat and converted Victory Models toy Vosper Yacht.
Plenty of interesting items of machinery/vehicles from stand-alone steam pumps, to miniature steam tractors to the full size steam driven tractors. Nothing like the smell of coal fired boilers first thing in the morning.
Unfortunately, the high winds brought the afternoon to an end for us around 1.30pm. We made a strategic decision to move the models from under the 3 gazebos before the winds could blow them from the tables. During this process, it took the strength of Michael, Robyn and Tony to hold the gazebos down as the models were safely moved.