F.B.H.C. encompasses an area of the NSW Central Coast from the Hawkesbury River in the south, to the Hastings River in the north. Within these boundaries lie the population centres of the Tuggerah Lakes district, the city of Newcastle, the Hunter Valley, the Manning Valley & the Port Macquarie district in the Hastings River Valley.
The Task Force 72 membership in this area is approximately 20 members, with the majority of them scattered around the Tuggerah Lakes district, half a dozen in Newcastle, 2 in the upper Hunter Valley & 2 in the Port Macquarie district. All these members between them can boast of a fleet of 70 boats in commission (working models) & another 36 models in various stages of construction or reconstruction.
Whereas Fleet Base Wagga Wagga may be considered to be the home of the associations aircraft carrier squadron, FBHC could well & truly be classed as the battleship & battle cruiser squadron base, with 2 Japanese battleships in commission & 3 other battleships & 2 battle cruisers under construction or reconstruction. There was also a third Japanese battleship in commission, but unfortunately, she was totally destroyed in a fire in mid 2006 along with several other smaller models in the owners garage.
FBHC regularly participate in interesting model displays in the area, such as the Central Coast Hobby Expo held at Gosford each April, the Port Macquarie Ship Modellers Exhibition in July each year & Our Town Model Show held in Newcastle each August. We have also staged a small static display for the last 2 years for the members of the Naval Association of N.S.W. at the annual dinner at Wangi Wangi R.S.L.
A highlight of previous years, has been the weekend attendance at the Newcastle Maritime Festival held on Australia Day weekend in January, this event used to be organized by theNewcastle Marine Modellers Association of which several TF72 members also belong, sadly, because of politics at a far higher level, this event is no longer held.
In 2006 FBHC started to organize infrequent running days for local members & the greater association , at a relatively new venue at Mt Penang Parklands, which is part of the Central Coast Botanical Gardens at Gosford, this large man made pond is a 2 minute drive from the main north south freeway between Sydney & Brisbane, has facilities such as kiosk & toilets close by , & is easily accessible for vehicles, which can be backed right up to the waters edge for loading & unloading. We hope to make this venue a more frequent running day event into the future as more & more Sydney members turn up to enjoy & participate.